Old habits die painfully hard
You know how you still have habits that you do as you did when you were a kid?? Well I do, I guess its proof that you really never totally lose yourself as you are growing up. You still keep elements of your childhood and retain them. The world seems to keep on saying that “people change, things change, times make the change” but in the back of my mind, I never really think you do. Its sort of like a sponge that doesn’t really lose its moisture, you just keep sucking in whats being given to you. Simple things like how I skip cracks when im walking or step on the white marbles and not the colored ones because I can imagine them as big gaping holes. I never step on sewage covers because I just have this haunting thought of falling and never being able to get back up. I oftentimes tell myself that these are silly silly things and that im too old to think of things in such a way but it just feels good to not shy away from what you are used to. Childish things really but they make up who you are when you were starting out. Its just amazing how the brain really works. I honestly tell you, with this kind of imagination, little kids will soon be able to do advertising.
You can teach a dog new tricks, however, you can only hope to contain the old habits.
So tell me, what childish things are still instilled in your head today?
"I never step on sewage covers because I just have this haunting thought of falling and never being able to get back up." --- AKO DIN!!! as much as possible, i choose not to step on them. :)
I still do a lot of sound effects when I'm trying to explain something like "boogsh!", "toink!", etc. :)
Inside the malls, I usually look away from the view of the railings. But I think this is already an acrophobia, not just a mannersim/habit. :)
haha, thats awesome... Its so funny how we still seem to have all these within us inspite insisting that "we're all grown up now"
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